As an executive, change is something you are often confronted with - some of which you create yourself, and some of which comes from the organisation and from society. You have to navigate yourself, your team and the organisation through the continuous waves of change. You can discuss many things with the people around you, but there are some things you can’t. William Oud Ammerveld is a neutral sparring partner for conversations about important issues within your company. He is also able to intervene in the event of acute need: Incidentel Executive coaching.

EXECUTIVE COACHING AT THE Institute for Interpersonal Communication

Executive coaching allows you to continue developing in the manner desired by you and your company. You will learn to more effectively communicate, influence, lead, delegate and take decisions. For example, how do you deal with the sensitive nature of an impending merger, the confidential information about the problematic performance of one of your top employees or the impact on your career of your planned move to a competitor?


Coaching gives a boost to your career development: from individual contributor through supervisory manager and manager of a single business, to the position of executive manager and ultimately institutional leader.


Personal Feedback from a CEO:

"A conversation with Willem helps me:

  • To formulate very concrete steps that are consistent with what I want and can
  • To see the pitfalls I am creating for myself
  • .To formulate the benefits for myself, my team and the entire organisation. Stay motivated to take those steps
  • To realise which people around me can help me take realistically manageable steps forward
  • To set an assessment point when I can look back to see whether I have indeed made progress

You've shown me: it takes me, not the other person, to change the situation."


"Willem makes me aware of the gap between what I pretend to do, and what I actually do. Though sometimes embarrassing for myself, he stimulates me to close that gap in a very constructive style.


That’s how I made it to CEO in this company now!"


"I've become more aware of my assumptions during a conversation. I now attempt to include them in the discussion more and to reassess them. I’ve also become much more aware of my behaviour and its effect on myself and others. Willem sometimes simply interrupts the conversation and asks me to reflect on what I'm actually doing, which almost always leads to a fine-tuning of what I was doing."


Promoting Yourself Authentically

A very talented manager reaches a hurdle in his career: a false modesty which makes him unable to promote himself or his team sufficiently to the board.

The coaching process clarifies for him the gap that exists between how he would like himself and his team to be seen, and how they are actually seen in the organisation and by the board.


On the basis of the probing questions of the coach, he can define clear and manageable steps that are necessary to gradually close this gap. He can thus arrange regular meetings with the board within six months. On each occasion, he ensures that he clearly illustrates which of his team's projects are of specific importance to which board member before briefly updating the relevant board member about that project. The knife cuts both ways: the board highly appreciates the proactive updates and the indication of possible problems with possible solutions.


The manager’s team becomes more motivated because it sees that it is being noticed by the board. The manager is recognised for the quality of his team and his excellent contact with the board. A promotion is not far away.


Sound familiar? Or do you have a completely different situation in which you’d like to be coached? Please contact the Training Oud Ammerveld

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The Training Oud Ammerveld provides individual coaching sessions for executives and supervising managers during which you will learn to lead effectively.